Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I believe that media is extremely important in my life. Besides the fact that I don't go a single day without some type of media, I'm constantly influenced by it. Whether it's a T.V. show, a magazine or the music I listen to everyday, I can't imagine my life without it.

Three types of media that I feel the most passionately about would be music, T.V. and magazines. Music being the most important. Music is the most important type of media in my life for more than just one reason, but mainly because it's something that I have complete control over, and no other person's opinion really matters. It can be an escape when you're upset, or just a comfort when you're happy, and you can have say as to what kind of music can do that for you without worrying about what others have to say. I'm also a huge fan of magazines. Mainly Cosmo. It's something to do when you're bored, and actually has a lot of info on things that could help you in the future (For example, hair care information, articles on peer pressure, or how to be healthy, and even sex tips!). It's education and entertainment all in one. Hahahahah. T.V. is also something I enjoy, and probably for the same reasons as most people. Entertainment, and sometimes educational. But mostly entertainment. It gives you something to do when you're bored, and it also is something that can be used to connect with others. It can be something that brings people together, for example: getting together every Thursday to watch Survivor. It brings people together as well as entertaining them.

For the most part, I enjoy all of the new technology that's been coming out. I think that a lot of it is unnecessary, but I like it. I don't have all of the latest things, and I doubt I'll ever really get into most of it, but I do think that it can be very useful, especially with certain jobs or for doing some types of projects. Besides the fact that I think a lot of things are unnecessary, I don't really dislike any of it. I use media mainly for entertainment, but I also use it for school. Searching for things on Google is a lot easier than going to the library and looking through a million books before finding the one piece of information you need , though going to the library can also be useful in ways that the Internet can't be.

The way teenagers are portrayed in the media can either be dead on, or completely ridiculous. I do agree that a lot of teenagers do crazy things, and have bad reputations, but I don't agree with putting a label on all teens and saying that they're all bad, or all good. Teenagers are probably the most opinionated, or at least the most outspoken people in our culture, and if they're feeling something, you'll know about it. Some shows, for example 'The Secret Life of the American Teenager' shows many examples of situations that many teens are facing, and they don't really over dramatize it. But some shows like 'Gossip Girl' may only show you things that are full of drama, and make teenagers look like irresponsible hooligans. Teenagers can be completely different others, and shouldn't be labeled as the same.

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