Tuesday, April 13, 2010


First impressions are important, but they can always change. At first, I thought the movie was going to be boring, and that the acting wouldn’t be that great since it was an older movie. But I was wrong. For an old black and white movie, I thought it was actually pretty good. Probably not something that I would have picked out on my own, but I didn’t mind watching it either. Obviously compared to the movies we have today it may not seem that great, but the fact that it’s closer to when film first started and special effects haven’t been invented yet, they did a great job. I can understand why people say it’s masterpiece, because for one of the first movies to ever be created and nothing to compare it to at the time, they made real life come to a screen and made it relatively believable. Some scenes, like the one when Charlie Kane and Susan were fighting, wasn’t as realistic as if it were to actually happen in real life. For example, if he were to actually hit her that hard, I don’t think she’d LOOK as happy as she did. It sounded like it would have hurt, and her eyes probably would have watered, even if it was just a little bit. Also, if he didn’t want her to leave as bad as he did, when trying to convince her to say I think there would have been more emotion than what was showed when trying to get her to stay. But as I said, film was relatively new and with not many other films to compare it too, and most actors probably didn’t have much training, the directors probably weren’t as picky or weren’t as sure what to look for like they do when making films today. So for a movie that I was sure was going to be boring, I’m pretty impressed.

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